A Warrior’s Woman Read online

  A Warrior’s Woman

  Missy Lyons


  This e-book contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language. This material is meant for mature audiences!

  A Warrior’s Woman

  A Whispers Publishing Publication

  February 2008

  Copyright ©2008 Missy Lyons

  Cover illustration copyright © 2008 Rene Walden

  ISBN Not Assigned

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by an information storage and retrieval system-except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review to be printed in a magazine, newspaper, or on the Web-without permission in writing from the publisher.

  All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.

  Published by: Whispers Publishing, P.O. Box 1165, Ladson, SC 29456-1165


  Other Titles by Missy Lyons

  39 And Holding Him

  Blood Ties

  Bound By Desire

  Boyfriend for Hire

  Closing the Deal

  Dragon Heat

  Gold Fever

  Naughty or Nice


  I would like to thank the people who were able to help me make this book possible. My editors were especially helpful pointing out things I didn’t realize this time around and giving me opportunities to expand the story. Big thanks to Rhonda and Lili.

  I also need to thank my family who has given me loving support as I began this writing career and sacrificed time with me, but especially want to say thank you to all my readers who support me and give me encouragement to continue writing.

  Chapter One

  “I tire of being the second son to the king.” Certainly his birthright would not require that he work! But he wanted something to be able to call his own—something to give to his children and his wife. Kona looked out across his veranda to view the stony landscape. The sandstone outcroppings, weathered by the wind and the desert sun, gave the only shade for miles.

  His father had insisted that he maintain some connection to his people, and gave him a small spot on the court to oversee the accounting and tax collection for the realm. A job he would much rather forget for now. In fact, it was why he needed a respite. Kona and his entourage had been on a hunting trip to take his mind off of political matters, but his thoughts strayed back to his uncertain future.

  He had no lands, no money, and no promises from his father. One day he hoped to have a wife. But how could he even think of a wife when he didn’t have anything to share with her? What kind of future would he be able to provide for her as a mere second son?

  Dustin slapped Kona on the back, sensing his cousin’s foul mood “Tired of living in your brother’s shadow, aye?”

  “Aye,” Kona muttered half-heartedly. Dustin was always intuitive.

  Kona was always given the best of everything. He had the best education money could buy, and was sent off world for his education, but he wanted more than to live a life of luxury. He wanted to make a name for himself and he wanted to live on this world.

  He saw much in the galaxy, yet he always missed his homeland and would prefer his native land Kapomo to that of the off-worlders, despite their luxuries and the ease of their modern technology.

  “You could always do as I did, and just take what you want. Katrina has worked out nicely as my woman.” Dustin smirked, remembering the fight his kidnapped bride put up at first. It hadn’t been long before her cries of protest turned to cries of pleasure.

  “I don’t want a woman, Cousin. I want to serve in my rightful place, as a ruler. All my life I have spent in training, just in case something happens to my brother. Nothing will happen to him. He already has a son with his wife. No—if I want land, I will have to make my own way in this world.” Kona ran a hand through his hair in frustration. His brother had everything promised to him, but he knew he was born to lead. The soldiers respected him as much as they did his father, instinctively responding to his every command.

  “What you need is a woman to settle you down.”

  “I don’t need a woman.” Kona was adamant. “I have no trouble finding a willing woman to warm my bed. I can have a different woman every night of the week if I wanted.”

  “Aye, but having the right woman in yer bed makes all the difference.” Dustin grinned up at him suggestively.

  Kona shook his head in frustration. “I haven’t found the woman who would keep my interest over a fortnight.”“Then perhaps you have not been looking in the right places. You should conquer your woman as I did. Katrina put up a good fight before she finally submitted, and it was worth the fight, Cousin.”

  “Bah!” Kona waved the suggestion away, turning his back on his cousin. He watched a group of merchants traveling across the dunes, their bantas loaded up with merchandise, and their saddlebags full of trading supplies. The bantas kept their heads low to the ground, their reptilian bodies moving slowly across the hot sand. With scaled skin that glistened in varying shades of green, they made their trek slowly across the smooth sand. Their bodies were well suited to the desert lands. The bantas were the perfect beast of burden for desert excursions.

  Dustin rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “You know, Cousin, I have heard rumors from Katrina’s homeland that her father has died, leaving her sister as the reigning Shirkan of Kanaha.”

  “A woman as reigning Shirkan? How is that possible?” Typically the leadership of Shirkan was passed from father to son, but it could also be taken by someone who issued a challenge. A Shirkan was always the most powerful warrior of the tribe, which is why it was so laughable that a woman inherited the throne.

  Maybe there was no other heir, and no other choice...Kona rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

  “I heard her father passed several months ago, but there is no man that would dare to challenge her, out of honor for her father. Her people are loyal to her even though she is a woman, and she has yet to choose a mate.” Dustin ended suggestively, knowing it would be an opportunity his cousin couldn’t refuse.

  “Well I have no such honor.” Kona turned to face his cousin. A plan was beginning to form, a plan to take his rightful place as leader, for a country that needed a leader.

  “I have also heard she is something of a swordsman.”

  A woman who was taught how fight with a sword? The thought was preposterous. Kona would never allow it in his country, but he had heard rumors of how indulgent the old Shirkan had been when Katrina had come to live with them. “Well, she will have to be more than something to best me in a sword fight.”

  “I wonder why her father did not choose a mate for her before he died.” Dustin arched one eyebrow in question, wondering if her personality was flawed. Perhaps she was shrewish or ugly. “It would have kept the title in the family for sure, and there would be no question who the Shirkan was.”

  “Why question my good fortune? If she is beautiful then she will have me as a mate and if she is not, at least she will have a Shirkan for her people.” Kona was already planning a new life for himself.

  “Does that mean we are not going hunting this week?” Dustin did not really regret the weeks they would have spent travelling in tents.

  “Aye—we go hunting, but it will be a different prey. If you would be my second man in my challenge, I would be honored, Cousin.” Kona dropped his arm over his cousin’s shoulders, hugging his friend close to him.

All I can say is that you better win your challenge, Cousin, because I don’t want to fight a woman.”

  “Do you have any doubts of me winning?” Kona gave him a boyish grin.

  “Depends on how true the rumors are. I hear she can fight as well as any man, Cousin.” Dustin sounded honestly concerned, which did nothing to wound Kona’s pride.

  Kona’s voice was still filled with an unnatural arrogance. “Good. It has been a long time since I have had a real challenge in a match. Perhaps she will be as much of a challenge in bed.” Kona chuckled. “I enjoy my wenches lusty and busty.”

  Chapter Two

  “Mistress, there is a group of warriors here to see you.” The house servant kneeled to address Kivra.

  Kivra looked up from the pile of papers at her desk, her curiosity immediately stoked. Warriors? Not merchants, not peasants, but warriors were here to see her? “Did they mention a name? Who is it?”

  “Kona of Kapomo, My Lady.” The servant rose from his low bow, looking at her face while awaiting her reaction.

  A chill kissed her spine, giving her an odd feeling of foreboding. Kivra’s sister was kidnapped by a man from Kapomo. A visit from one of them could not be good. Especially not so soon after her father’s death. “Tell them to go away and they are not welcome here.”

  “It’s too late my lady. They insist on seeing you.” His voice was tinged with concern. “They will not leave without seeing you.”

  A group of men barged their way into the small room, headed by one of the largest men she had ever seen. Clearly their leader, the warrior was more muscle than brain, most likely. His legs were as thick as her midsection, and he was all muscle. His arms were as round as her legs. This was a powerful warrior standing before her.

  Kivra’s chest puffed out indignantly as she stood up from her chair. “And to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?”

  The largest man stepped forward to speak. “It has been too long, Cousin. I only wished to see how my cousin fares and to wish you well.”

  “And you are?” She crossed her arms over her chest defensively.

  “Kona of Kapomo, at your service, My Highness.” He gave a mocking bow, clearly not at all impressed with a woman as the reigning Shirkan.

  Kivra grated her teeth as she spoke. “You dare come here after all you and your family have done? I should issue you a challenge for your arrogance. Where is my sister?”

  “Safely at home with her babes. Katrina is very happy with her husband.”

  “Her kidnapper you mean.” Kivra answered with disdain.

  “Her husband. They married years ago.” Kona gave his cousin Dustin a reproving look. Thank the stars she did not know who the kidnapper was, or she would be clawing his eyes out now.

  “He did not deserve her.” She snarled, her eyes sparkling defiantly. She was beautiful in her anger. Her breasts were heaving with her repressed rage, and her chin lifted high in self righteousness. “He was a lowlife criminal who stole her away in the night, and if my father was well enough to issue a challenge he would have fought for her honor.”

  “Well if you feel so badly about it, you can fight me now.” Kona’s arrogant smile nearly incapacitated her.

  Surely he was jesting?

  “Fight you? I think not. I am not giving you that kind of satisfaction.” She looked over his strong male body. Too male for her, she would appreciate him from afar, but she knew better than to play with men like him—men who played with women and then tossed them aside. Kivra knew his type, the biggest warriors who were the most handsome could have any woman eating out of their hand, and they often had several women.

  “Well if you won’t issue the challenge then I will.” He moved towards her. He stopped when he was only a breath from her. “I challenge you to a battle, Princess.”

  “How dare you challenge me?” Kivra curled up her lips, a nervous energy invading her body. The words still hung in the air, stinging her ears. Kivra sounded a little childish even to her own ears. The man was just goading her into making a stupid mistake, something she could not afford to do, if she were to accept such a rash offer.

  She looked nervously to his waiting men. All of them warriors. All of them there to support their leader, who came here to challenge her, a woman. What kind of man would do such a thing?

  Only a man with no honor.

  Only a barbarian who did not care anything for treating women any different from men. She answered her own question.

  In her country, women may not have the same rights as men, but they were protected. Women were known as the weaker sex, yet they were respected. Women were treated with honor and always with respect as mothers and as wives. They could never physically equal a man’s physical power, and so they were never allowed any real power. Even the right to own land was not allowed to a woman.

  She was still flummoxed that Kona would even consider fighting her. Even the barbarians of Kapomo had ethics, or so she had thought. This personal challenge made her question those morals. It was not like she had any males left in her family to fight for her honor or her cause.

  Kapomo must be a land full of thieves and kidnappers.

  “Do you accept?” He grinned down at her. They were standing on even ground, but the man towered over her by a good foot. All the warrior men of Kapomo were large men, but he seemed exceptionally large and exceptionally powerful. A muscle pulsed in his neck as he awaited her decision.

  Kivra looked at him for a moment, letting her gaze trail over his well-muscled warrior body. It would be no contest. She let her fingers feel the reassurance of her sword at her hip, feeling the engraving well worn on the handle. His was a body that would soon overpower hers within minutes. But with her skill and experience, she could give him at least a little challenge. If he’d miscalculated her skills before offering the challenge, that might give her an edge against his strength. Perhaps if the fight were short, she could end it as the winner.

  “Why would you challenge me?” Of course she already knew why in her heart. He wanted to usurp her power. Her father had been the Shirkan, the unquestioned leader by strength. He retired, because of age, and had not accepted a fight for years. When he died three months ago, he left her the sole survivor of the clan. No other man had dared to fight her for her leadership in her own clan. With no brothers or any other men in the family to fight for her, Kivra would have to fight for her own honor.

  “Perhaps, because you have something I want…” his words may have been innocent but his eyes were insinuating something wicked. The way he let his words trail off, Kivra had guessed he had bed play on his mind, like most men. But unlike most men, he figured out she would only give herself to the strongest of the lot. She needed a man who was stronger than she; a man who had something to offer her, like himself.

  “I am just trying to say that there is nothing I have to offer you.” She wanted nothing more than to put an arrogant man like him in his place.

  “Oh but I disagree, you have much to offer me. You will have to let me be the judge of that, Princess…” There was no doubt what he was alluding to when he stared her down with that hungry gaze. His eyes stayed far too long on her chest for her liking.

  “What is your name, Warrior?” Her voice was icy with contempt, even as a heat spread into her cheeks. “I would know the man who I have to kill.”

  “Kona. And I have known your name for a long time, Kivra.” He said it in a calm voice, but that he had paid her attention before sent a chill down her spine. How long had he known her name? How many times had they met before?

  Why had she never noticed him? She frowned trying to recall his linear features. Chocolate brown eyes captured her own as she studied his face. She shook her head a moment to free herself of the spell he was weaving over her.


  She would accept his challenge and laugh when he lost.

  A man like him needed to learn how to treat a woman with respect. She was the Shirkan now, the leader of her people, and even
though she could pick a champion for her to fight this battle, it would be her pleasure to wipe that smirk off his face. In all truth, there was no warrior here that could best her.

  Kivra led him outside the palace to the circle before accepting the sword fight. She should have been thinking of the fight, practicing in her mind how to defend and attack. Instead, all she could think of was of how sexy he looked. Her thighs were trembling with an awareness of his closeness. She felt her body become sensitive to the touch, as if her body already knew where the challenge would lead.

  This was absurd! She was here to fight and she would fight him with all her heart.

  Kivra cursed her body and her unwelcome attraction to him before unsheathing her sword, and raising it to welcome his thrust. All too soon, the air rang with metal clashing and swords singing. The man was absolutely beautiful in battle. His muscles flexed, and Kivra found she was tempted to lick away the tiny beads of perspiration from his frame, to taste him. What a heavenly distraction he was! But he was definitely a distraction to her cause.

  She swung harder, using her frustration to feed her strength. The air rang with the sounds of metal hitting metal. He deftly parried every strike, every blow she laid on him.

  Her sword arm was sore from repeatedly striking his, and her blows were shrugged off as if they were no impact whatsoever. Kivra shook her head in frustration. He wasn’t even breaking a sweat. She had misjudged his rash challenge. He was calculating her moves, analyzing her fighting style and taking his time.

  What irritated her most wasn’t any of that. It was that he was only defending so far, allowing her to be the aggressor and to strike at him. He merely defended her thrusts and sidestepped her as if he were playing a game of cat and mouse.

  As if she was a mere child.

  Suddenly, his defensive strategy changed and she felt him strike back at her sword, using a force that was unnecessary. He nearly knocked the sword from her hands. Of course that was his intention. He did it again, this time striking even harder, and causing her to retreat—nearly forcing her to exit the circle, which would have served the same purpose. That would have been a loss as quickly as disarming her.